NRA Categories
Civilian – A competitor may compete in this category if none of the others apply.
Service – Officers and enlisted members of the United States Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, Coast Guard and members of Reserve components.
Senior – A competitor may compete as a Senior beginning January 1 of the year of his or her 60th birthday.
Grand Senior – A competitor may compete as a Grand Senior beginning Juanuay 1 of the year of his or her 70th birthday.
Junior – A competitor may compete as a Junior until December 31 of the year of his or her 20th birthday. Supported shooters may not compete as Juniors.
Intermediate Junior – A cometitor may compete as an Intermediate Junior from January 1 of the year of his or her 15th birthday through December 31 of his or her 17th birthday.
Sub-Junior – A competitor may compete as a Sub-Junior through December 31 of the year of his or her 14th birthday.
Woman – this one is obvious.
Police – Full-time law enforcement officers of a regularly constituted law enforcement agency may compete in this category. Rule 2.4 (a) thru (f) further clairifies this category.