Range Rules
600-Yard High Power Rifle Range Rules 2025
This club long range facility is an NRA High Power Rifle competition range intended for across the course or mid-range matches and corresponding practice for qualified individuals. It is not intended, nor is it approved, for any other use.
The Rifle Director will limit access to the High Power Rifle range to those who have been qualified to use this facility. The Rifle Director has the discretion to change the access codes or key to the High Power Facility as necessary.
Members must remain active to retain their access privileges to the High Power range.
1. Authorized Personnel Qualification Standards:
Requirements for Port Malabar Rifle and Pistol Club Members to qualify for unsupervised use of the 600-yard range are as follows:
Members must possess an NRA High Power Rifle Long Range or Mid-Range Classification Card, any classification, plus a High Power range orientation.
Members must possess an NRA High Power XTC Rifle Classification Card, Expert class or above, with evidence of having fired multiple, full range matches, plus a High Power range orientation.
Members must possess an NRA High Power Classification Card- Any Class, plus evidence of having fired six, 20-shot stages from 600 yards, plus a High Power range orientation.
Members having fired at MULTIPLE Intermediate High Power matches or 300 meter matches who have demonstrated marksmanship proficiency and demonstrated knowledge of equipment and ballistic requirements for long range shooting, plus a High Power range orientation. This will be dependent upon the knowledge and skill of the shooter.
Members attempting to qualify in this category will be issued an NRA Temporary Classification Record Book. It will be the responsibility of the member to carry it to each event and have it signed by a Range Official.
- a) High Power range orientation will be conducted by the Rifle Director or his designee and will include a tour of the facility and a review of the High Power range rules. The member requesting to be allowed unsupervised access must also demonstrate a proficiency at shooting from both 200 and 600 yards firing line distances. One trip to the range may not be sufficient to become certified to use the High Power range unsupervised.
- b) All members who are not approved to use the High Power range unsupervised may use the range only during approved matches, supervised practice sessions (under supervision of a qualified Range Officer hereby known as an RO), or under the supervision of a range qualified shooter. In the absence of a designated RO, the range-qualified shooter will be the de-facto Range Officer and be responsible for the conduct of non-qualified shooters. The Range Qualified Shooter RO is expected to directly supervise the nonqualified guest shooter and may not shoot while the non-qualified member is shooting.
- c) High Power Range Qualified Members who have met the requirements for unsupervised access and use must supply the Rifle Director with their names, addresses, phone numbers, and email addresses. The Rifle Director will maintain this information in a list of High Power range Qualified Members. A list of names only of the High Power range Qualified Members will be available in the target shed.
- d) High Power range Qualified Members will be supplied with a Port Malabar High Power sticker (type: ¾ inch circular, silver finish with club logo) which will have to be affixed to their Port Malabar Rifle & Pistol Club name tag. Members will be expected to present this on demand to assist in identifying that they are authorized to use the High Power range.
2. Range Limitations:
- a) All Port Malabar Rifle and Pistol Club General Range Rules and NRA High Power Rifle rules apply.
- b) All fired rounds must remain within the range. All efforts should be made to ensure that all rounds hit the receiving berm.
- c) Everyone, whether or not they are a Club Member, who uses the High Power range is expected to read and sign a PMRPC Hold Harmless agreement. Parents must cosign with Junior shooters. These must be updated yearly. The Hold Harmless agreement will be maintained by the Match Chairs.
- d) Outside users of the High Power range are expected to operate under the PMRPC High Power and NRA High Power rules. In the event the outside users rules are more restrictive they will be under the jurisdiction of their own rules as well.
- e) Outside users must have a PMRPC High Power range qualified club member present during any shooting, training, or matches.
- f) The Junior Rifle program is allowed to use the High Power range only under supervised conditions and provided a Rifle Instructor or Range Safety Officer is present.
- g) All Junior programs must have at least two adults present when there is a group of minor participants.
3. Minimum equipment requirements:
- a) Rifles approved for use on the High Power Range include any rifle that complies with NRA high power rules 3.1 – 3.7.
- b) No rifles over .35 caliber allowed.
- c) Sights may be telescopic or metallic with adequate and repeatable wind drift and elevation correction.
- d) Due to differences in calibers, ballistics and barrel twists, rifles will have different elevation standards that must be used when changing from a 200yards zero to a 300 yards, 300 meters, 500 yards or a 600 yards zero. Each rifle must be capable of increasing the elevation of its sights above the 200yards zero high enough to be on target at the longer distances. Rifles whose sights cannot adjust from 200 yards to 600 yards will not be allowed.
- e) All rifles must have a known sight zero established prior to coming to the range. Evidence by a record target is preferred.
4. Types of firing allowed and relevant rules:
- a) All firing will be from the raised firing line positions constructed on the range. These are at 200, 300, 500 & 600-yards, and at 200 & 300 meters.
- b) Firing will be conducted from the raised firing line position corresponding to the target number.
- c) All individuals using the range will be required to operate the targets system for another shooter. Those with physical limitations should notify the Range Officer prior to shooting.
- d) Temporary covering or shades maybe erected on the raised firing line positions during matches if there are enough shades to accommodate all competitors that want to use one. Shades may be used during practice sessions as long as they do not interfere with safety as defined by the RO, and do not hamper the RO in executing his/her duties and responsibilities.
- e) When firing from 200 yards and 200 meters, the firing positions will include offhand, sitting, kneeling, or prone. No rapid fire is allowed when shooting offhand.
- f) Only single load, slow-fire, prone position shooting is allowed from the300 yards, 300-meters, 500 yards, and 600-yards lines. Again, when firing from the 500 & 600 yards line, there must be a person in the pits insuring that all rounds are hitting the berm.
- g) Shooters who have an NRA “Across the Course High Power” Classification card may shoot rapid fire prone from the 300 yards position even when unsupervised but they must have someone in the target pits to assure they are hitting the target.
- h) No one may fire from beyond the 300 yards line unless they have a puller in the pits that can verify all shots are impacting the berm. Only HP Range Instructors (so designated by the Rifle Director and identified by a gold sticker) may fire rounds from beyond the 300 yards line without a target puller present.
- i) Individuals may utilize personal shooting benches that sit on the ground (no digging or drilling). These appliances must be removed from the range promptly at the termination of the shooting session.
- j) Shooters and their equipment must remain behind the marked firing line. The rifle muzzles should be forward of this line.
- k) When shooting at the 600 yards firing position, care must be taken to assure that the feet of bipods or pointed rifle rest feet have a mat or support under them to prevent damage to the AstroTurf.
- l) Targets will be type SR, SR-3, MR-1, MR-63, MR-65, MR-FC, or C-1 ISU, or as provided on the range. No other targets are allowed without authorization from the RO. If other targets are authorized, they must be paper, be affixed to standard backers and operated in the standard carriers. Upon completion of shooting, all targets must be removed and the backers re-faced or re-centered to return them to “normal” condition.
- m)At the end of shooting session, targets are to be returned to the target shed and stored neatly on the appropriate racks. There are racks for 200/300yards targets, 600 yards MR targets, and 600 yards F-Class targets. The orange target boxes should be restocked with a supply of pasters. The spotting disc should be replaced if necessary. All trash must be removed from the box and properly disposed of. Please pick up any debris in the target shed prior to leaving.
- n) A range fee of $15.00 may be imposed for each use of the range, payable to the RO. During unorganized practice, a fee of $1.00 for each large center target used should be placed in the red box in the target shed. At the discretion of the Rifle Director, this fee may be waived for individuals that contribute time and/or money to range maintenance and/or operation.
- o) Vehicles are not to be driven on any firing line position or berm on the range. Shooters are allowed to unload their equipment at the firing lines but vehicles must be parked 50 feet back from the firing line. This is so the Range Officer will have an unobstructed view of all the firing positions.
5. Safety:
- a) Safety when using long range rifles is absolute. Port Malabar Rifle and Pistol Club Firearms Safety Rules are posted at each range. PMRPC General Rules apply everywhere on club property. The High Power range has additional rules, which must be adhered to.
- b) Eye protection for rifle competitors is optional per NRA Rules but the use of eye protection is urged. Eye and ear protection is mandatory in the target pits. A brimmed hat is also highly recommended.
- c) Rifles will be loaded only at the command to “Load” from the Range Safety Officer. The rifle must be horizontal and pointed at the impact berm whenever the bolt is closed. If the shooter stops for some reason, the bolt should be opened.
- d) A safe rifle is defined as a rifle that has the action open, magazine removed or no rounds in a fixed internal magazine, safety on, and an Empty Chamber Indicator (ECI) installed into the barrel chamber with the flag visible from outside the rifle.
- e) Rifles must be unloaded and made safe whenever the “Cease-Fire” command is issued, regardless of source (see definition of safe rifle above).Anyone on the line may call Cease-Fire when there is a significant safety or health issue. When a Cease-Fire is called, the Pit Officer will be directed to lower all targets.
- f) There will be absolutely no handling of firearms when someone is downrange of the firing line. This also applies when individuals are in the target pits if the pits are not sealed.
- g) No rounds fired on the Club’s ranges can leave the facility. Shooters who fire on the High Power range is accountable for every round fired.
- h) Any shooter or competitor who has a non-visible miss on the target or receiving berm is subject to being immediately removed from the firing line. They will be required to go to the sight in range and correctly sight in their rifle before being allowed to shoot on the High Power range.
- i) The Red range Safety flag should be raised at the gate and the “Range in Use” sign should be hung at the High Power range gate upon entry. It is recommended that unsupervised shooters lock the gate behind them as they will be responsible for other members who come in on non-match days.
- j) Wind flags must be raised at the target line and the 200 yard line whenever the range is being used. This is so members on other parts of the Club facility can identify the High Power range is in use. At the end of each shooting session, the wind flags must be removed and stored in the marked designated container provided in the storage shed. Wind flags should not be placed in the container while wet but rather draped on a target rack and allowed to dry.
- k) All rifles will be cased or be made safe whenever the range is cold.
- l) One person will act as Range Officer and one person will act as Pit Officer. The line officer and pit officer will coordinate safe operation of the range.
- m) The Range Officer shall maintain communication with the Pit Officer. Should communications be lost, the Pit Officer will order all targets to be lowered. The Range Officer should call a Cease-Fire, make the line safe, and send someone to the target pits to ascertain the problem.
- n) The Range Officer or Rifle Instructor must assure that the firing line is safe(cold) and so declare prior to allowing anyone to go forward of the firing line. No one may leave the pits while the pits are sealed. The pit officer will ascertain that the line is safe (cold) prior to unsealing the pits.
- o) The trigger finger will remain off the trigger until the sights are on target and the muzzle is pointed at the berm.
- p) Competitors and shooters are expected to notify the Range Officer, Rifle Instructor, or Rifle Director of any safety infractions or violations of NRA High Power Rules.
- q) No smoking is permitted on the firing line nor is the use of any tobacco product allowed on the firing line. The use of tobacco products is restricted to the area behind the firing line.
- r) When multiple groups are using the range, all firing shall be conducted from the same yard line. If you arrive and want to shoot at the 600 yards line and someone is shooting closer, say at the 200 yards line, do not handle or uncase your rifle.
6. Operation Times:
- a) The range is open to qualified individuals daily from sunrise to sunset. Firing cannot begin until 8 AM. Sunset is defined as the sun is behind the west impact berm.
- b) Range maintenance and scheduled matches supersede individual use or open range times, regardless of advertising. The Rifle Director will have scheduled work parties to make repairs at the High Power range. All users of the High Power range are urged to participate in making these repairs.
7. Medical Emergencies:
- a) A first aid/trauma kit will be maintained in the target shed. Any minor medical issues should be treated at once.
- b) If a major medical situation develops, the Rifle Instructor or Range Safety Officer should take charge of the situation. The Rifle Instructor or Range Safety Officer will render aid to the victim. They will designate someone to call 911. A public phone is available at the PMRPC Guard Shack located at the entrance to the Club property. If a cell phone is used, our address is: 610Hurley Boulevard, Northwest, Palm Bay, Florida.
- c) The Rifle Instructor or Range Safety Officer should assign someone to got o the entrance to wait for and escort Emergency Services Personnel. Helicopter landing can be accomplished on the High Power range or any other location selected by Emergency Service Personnel.
- d) These types of situations should be reported in writing or email to the Rifle Director as soon as possible. The Rifle Director will then notify the PMRPC Board of Directors.
8. Violations:
- a. All users of the PMRPC High Power range are considered safety officers. Each of us must make sure that the range is being used in a safe manor. All users of the High Power range are expected to work together to maintain safe use of the facility. Please Note: Unsportsmanlike conduct will not be tolerated.
- b. Violation of Port Malabar Rifle and Pistol Club Range Rules or these High Power Range Rules will result in suspension of range privileges as determined by the Rifle Director. Violators of Club safety rules can be remanded to the Range Safety Officer Committee and/or the Board of Directors for review and possible disciplinary action.
Forms & Documents for Download
There is a $10 range fee, which goes to the club. If you do not have the cash or a check, you will be asked to come back to the next orientation.
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High Master
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NRA Rifle Types
Updated 02/28/2023 – This is an excerpt of the Rules.
A complete listing can be viewed here: NRA High Power Rule Book
3.1 Service Rifle – “May have an optical...
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