Smallbore ARA Benchrest Matches & 100yd Smallbore

ARA Sanctioned Rimfire Benchrest Match and 100yd Smallbore Matches at PMRPC

Schedule ARA Bechrest: First Saturday of the month         Match Program Click Here

100yd Smallbore: Fourth Sunday of the month                    Match Program Click Here

Registration opens at 0730 to 0800. Shooters will be restricted to 30, two relays. Preregistration is preferred by sending an email to the Match Director with the following information: Name, ARA number (if you have one) and contact information. Preregistration will be given priority over walk on shooters. If more than 30 preregister, the priority will be by date and time received. Walk on shooters are first come, first serve after the preregistration shooters.

Location: Smallbore Competition Range, Port Malabar Rifle & Pistol Club, 610 Hurley Blvd., Palm Bay, FL 32906


For the complete rules go to American Rimfire Association at:

Match Director: Herb Kreutz, email address

Forms & Documents for Download